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Submit Manuscript


Volume II Issue II

Subject Area: Law and related disciplines

Plagiarism: The entries submitted shall be original and the plagiarism norms of the UGC shall be applicable to the submissions.

To Submit: click on "Submit Manuscript" or click here. Alternatively, submit the manuscript via email at with a declaration to the following effect:

“I/we declare that the manuscript is an original and previously unpublished work written by me/us. I/we would be solely responsible for any dispute arising out of my/our manuscript including copyright, defamation, objectionable content or contempt and agree to suffer the loss, if any, caused by violating copyright or any other rights.”

Who can submit?

The journal welcomes original manuscripts in the form of articles, book reviews, case comments, and legislative comments from individuals interested in the field of law. This includes academicians, research scholars, lawyers, law students, and anyone with a passion for legal studies. The submissions should focus on contemporary developments in law and legal studies.

Types of Submissions Accepted

The IJLRR Journal is open to receiving original and previously unpublished manuscripts from anyone interested in the field of law, including academics, authors, legal professionals, and law students in the following categories:

  • Long Articles (3000-6000 words, Excluding footnotes)

  • Essays/Short Articles (1500-3000 words, Excluding footnotes)

  • Case Notes and Legislative Comments (1200-2500 words)

Guidelines for Submission

The guidelines for publication must be strictly followed. The guidelines for publication to IJLRR Journal can be accessed here.


Processing Charges

  • Single Authored: 1000/-

  • Co-Authored: 1200/-


IJLRR Journal is an online bi-monthly journal with 6 Issues per year. The Journal revolves around Socio-legal topics and is not restricted to any particular field or subject of law. The Journal promotes interdisciplinary research entailing detailed study of law with other disciplines in the contemporary era.




Moti Bagh, New Delhi -110021

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